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Cherry Bear and the Lady Bug Science Snacks

Cherry Bear and Oscar are back in the kitchen with a very special job. Cherry Bear’s science teacher has asked her to make a science snack – and this creative bear knows exactly what to make for her class…Bugs!

No, Cherry Bear isn’t preparing insects, but since her class has been learning about bugs lately, she has decided to whip up a batch of delicious “ladybug” snacks. Of course, no Cherry Bear recipe is complete without marshmallows!

Learn how to make Cherry Bear’s yummy, bug-free lady bug snacks with the help of a grownup on Bearville Alive!
  • Cherry Bear - Cuddly Pink Teddy
    Cherry Bear Cuddly Pink Teddy
  • Oscar - Lil’ Chestnut Cub
    Oscar Lil’ Chestnut Cub

Cherry Bear

Cuddly Pink Teddy

Cherry Bear - Cuddly Pink Teddy
Cherry Bear has a recipe for every occasion, and is always thinking of fun ways to incorporate food into just about anything! Of course, no recipe from this all-star chef is complete without her favorite ingredient…marshmallows! Despite her skills in the kitchen, Cherry Bear is just like any other bear her age. She goes to school, makes friends and loves to use her imagination. When her science teacher asked her to make a special treat for the class, Cherry Bear knew just what to make!


Lil’ Chestnut Cub

Oscar - Lil’ Chestnut Cub
Cherry Bear’s shy brother Oscar has learned how to open up to others just a little bit more, but is still one of the quietest bears in Bearville Alive. Oscar is the first person Cherry Bear asks for help whenever it’s time to cook up a new recipe, because he takes direction well, and would love to learn how to cook just as good as his big sister, whom he looks up to beary much! One thing is for certain - Oscar is learning from one of the beary best!
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