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Stanley The Sloth!

Staaaaaanley the sloooooth is veeeeeery slooooooow. He always takes his timeeeeeeeeee. Todaaaaaaay, he is competing on the school’s trivia teaaaaaaaaam.

Sometimes taking his time is touuuuuuuuugh.

It’s not Stanley’s fault, he is a sloth, after all.

When it comes to trivia, Stanley isn’t always quickest to buzz in, but that doesn’t matter when the other kids are quick with the wrong answer. Can Stanley’s lack of speed play to his advantage in the championship round of trivia?

Take your time and watch this episode of Bearville Alive!
  • Stanley - 17 in Sloth
    Stanley 17 in Sloth


17 in Sloth

Stanley - 17 in Sloth
Stanley isn’t what we would call fleet of foot. Like most sloths, Stanley loves to take his time and help others. Stanley shows that taking your time can have its benefits. He always thinks before doing anything. This is particularly at his advantage during Bearville’s school trivia competition when the other competitors are quick to answer incorrectly.
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